Provider Resources

Specialized Clinics & Hospital-Based Programs

Updated:  May 2021

ABI Network

150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

The Toronto ABI Network helps hospitals and community-based programs connect people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) to the services they need.


Community Head Injury Resource Services (CHIRS)

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Community Head Injury Resource Services of Toronto (CHIRS), formerly known as Ashby House, started in 1978 as the first community-based brain injury rehabilitation program in North America. From its origins as a transitional group home, CHIRS has evolved into a multi-service agency that provides a broad range of supports to a clientele with diverse and complex needs.



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Cota provides a variety of Acquired Brain Injury services across the City of Toronto. Here is a list of our acquired brain injury services & programs.
Case Management Services
  • Acquired Brain Injury Case Management Services
  • Acquired Brain Injury Behavioural Therapy (ABI BT) Services
Adult Day Programs
  • Acquired Brain Injury Adult Day Service (ABI ADS) Programs At Providence Healthcare and at West Park Healthcare
Supportive Housing / Housing With Supports Services
  • Acquired Brain Injury Supportive Housing – Collegeview Site

PACE Independent Living

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Acquired Brain Injury Community Program

An application to PACE for services can be made through the Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network.  The Toronto ABI Network offers a single-point referral service to publicly funded member agencies including hospital-based brain injury rehabilitation, long-term care facilities, and community-based services in Toronto.  Any individual can apply for our ABI Community program directly.  Any caregiver or professional can make a referral to PACE’s ABI Community program through the Toronto ABI Network.

ABI Community Referral Form

Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

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Locate an allergist/immunologist close to you with the “Find An Allergist” search function.

KINDERCARE – Pediatric Allergy Specialists

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Phone: 416-848-7665
Fax: 416-848-7664
Address: 491 Eglinton Ave. W, Suite 301, Toronto

Kindercare Pediatrics – Interdisciplinary Allergy care (food,  drug, environmental, animal, etc.), onsite food, and drug challenges, counseling for persons at risk, and much more.  Referral requests available online.

St. Michael’s Hospital Allergy and Immunology Clinic

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Phone: 416-864-5777
Fax: 416-864-3033
Address: 36 Toronto St. 7th floor, Suite 700A, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2C5

Check with the clinic to learn which days of week clinic is offered.

Sunnybrook Hospital – Drug Safety Clinic

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Phone: 416-480-6100 x 3061
Fax: 416-480-5229.

Outpatient consultations relating to drug safety should be directed to the Drug Safety Clinic.  For all referrals for the Drug Safety Clinic (adverse drug reactions & drug allergies), please submit this referral form directly by fax.

Toronto Allergists, Specialists in Clinical Immunology & Allergy

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Phone: 647-352-ALLG (2554)
Fax: 866-881-7790
Address: 123 Edward St, #920, Toronto, ON M5G 1E2

Specialists in immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic diseases and allergic asthma.

Toronto Allergy Group – Allergy and Clinical Immunology

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Toronto East
Michael Garron Hospital
650 Sammon Avenue
Suite 404, “K” Wing
Toronto, ON  M4C 5M5
Tel:  416-465-7999
Fax:  416-461-8999

Toronto West
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
​30 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 4S-412
Toronto, ON  M6R 1B5
Tel:  647-346-7766
Fax:  647-346-7785

We provide care for patients with environmental and food allergies, asthma, urticaria and angioedema, and immune deficiency.

Our team consists of Paediatric and Adult Allergists and Immunologists, Nutritionists, and Nursing Care.

Women’s College Hospital Allergy Clinic

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Phone: 416-323-6137
Address: Women’s College Hospital
76 Grenville Street, Floor 4, Toronto, ON M5S 1B2,

A referral is required.

Diabetes Care Connect

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Phone: 416-778-0676 x 242

Obesity care within the context of diabetes related services; education for prediabetes and newly diagnosed diabetes patients, eye screening, chronic disease self-management, diabetes prevention. Referrals by physician or patient. OHIP not required.

Dietitians of Canada

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Phone: 1-866-797-0000

BMI calculator available online within link offers resources, meal planning tools, and nutrition education. Patient resource-no referral required, the patient may call direct, OHIP not required.

Obesity Canada

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Online learning modules are available to enhance primary care provider obesity knowledge. Handouts may be downloaded for care pathways or for patient use (diary, behavior change plan, goal worksheet). Guidelines and Tools for Health Care Professionals

Local Toronto Chapter offers conventions and events.

Ontario Bariatric Network

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The Ontario Bariatric Network (OBN) is a collaborative network consisting of 12 Bariatric Centres across Ontario with interdisciplinary teams of bariatric experts that provide comprehensive medical and surgical bariatric services.  They include 7 Bariatric Centres of Excellence, 2 Regional Assessment and Treatment Centres and 3 Surgical Only Sites.

Referring physicians must first register and log in to the Online Referral System in order to refer their patient(s) to one of the OBN Bariatric Programs. For more information on these programs and bariatric treatment options available, please click here.

Bariatric Referral Portal

Public Health Ontario

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Evidence briefs, reports, and resources related to obesity available to download.

Telehealth Ontario – Dietitian services

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Registered Dietitians can offer advice on food choices to enhance lives and improve health, offering expertise in the diet in relation to health conditions like diabetes, gout, or weight loss. A dietitian is available Monday – Friday, from 9:00-5:00 pm.


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Phone: 416-636-3237
Toll-Free: 1-844-636-3237
Fax: 416-636-3236
Address: 201-7131 Bathurst St, Thornhill, L4J 7Z1

The first visit will confirm medical information with the family physician to ensure all the necessary information. (i.e. Bloodwork, medical condition diagnosis, medications, etc.). Services may include personalized meal planning for a wide range of scenarios (e.g. IBS, pregnancy, etc.) or personal fitness goals, health education, cognitive behavioral therapy, fitness program design, personal training (in a private studio setting, or virtually via videoconferencing). Sessions are offered weekly or bi-weekly until the goal is reached, some sessions will schedule all multidisciplinary team members such as physician, trainer, and dietitian. The cost of the program will vary according to the options selected: medical counseling is covered by OHIP, nutritionist fees are additional and may be covered by private health insurance coverage, personal trainer fees are extra.  OHIP covered for medical counseling, Additional fees for a dietitian, trainer. No referral needed but one may be completed using this form

Wharton Medical Clinic

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The Wharton Clinic Weight and Diabetes Management
OHIP covered
4 locations:

  • Toronto – 402-658 Danforth Ave, M4J 5B9
  • St. Catharines – 203-180 Vine St, L2R 7P3
  • Stoney Creek – 2C-Upper Centennial Pkwy, L8J 3W2
  • Burlington – 2951 Walkers Line, Main Floor, L7M 4Y1

The clinic’s goal is to improve health, by treating obesity and diabetes and decreasing cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. By improving the knowledge base of patients we assist in enabling them to implement strategies to better deal with their chronic conditions. The Wharton Medical Clinic will assess and treat patients with obesity and diabetes. A multi-disciplined team will use methods that are proven through evidence-based medicine and approved by the Canadian Practice Guidelines for Obesity, and the Canadian Diabetes Association Guidelines.

Cancer Care Ontario

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The website is an interactive resource to support healthcare providers and patients in cancer care in Ontario with drug formulary, guidelines, and advice, pathway maps, data, and research. Pathway maps are flowcharts that show a high-level overview of the care an Ontario cancer patient should receive. However, each patient’s actual path may differ depending on the individual’s circumstances. Pathway maps are organized by cancer type (e.g., lung cancer) and phase along the cancer continuum (e.g., screening, diagnosis, treatment).

Princess Margaret Hospital (UHN)

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Princess Margaret is one of the largest cancer centres in the world. The interactive website offers access to patient referrals for clinics, tests, and treatment, as well as links to patient support services.

Michael Garron Hospital Cardiology Outpatient Services

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Telephone: 416-469-6580 ext. 2400 or ext. 6222 (Cardiac Cath Lab)
Fax: 416-469-6443

Michael Garron Hospital is a leading institution providing cardiac care. MGH specializes in all services including angiograms, echoes, exercise and stress labs, pacemakers, heart failure clinics, and paediatric services. Interdisciplinary team members include nursing staff, technologists, dieticians, transitional navigators, occupational and physical therapy, administrative staff, and cardiac triage office. The coordination of programs and services allow MGH to provide high-quality 24/7 care. A physician referral is required. See website for specific referrals and department contact.

Mount Sinai Hospital Cardiology

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The Division of Cardiology of the Department of Medicine offers a wide range of services.

Catheterization (Cath) Lab: 416-586-4800 ext. 8412
Echocardiography (Echo) Lab: 416-586-4800 ext. 4493
Electrocardiogram (ECG): 416-586-4800 ext. 4478
Heart Failure Clinic: 416-586-4800 ext. 4587
Pacemaker Clinic: 416-586-4800 ext. 8584

For outpatient consultations, there is the Joseph and Joel Kerbel Ambulatory Clinic, the Harrowston Heart Failure Clinic, and the Prosserman Heart Clinic. For outpatient services, we offer echocardiography and stress echocardiography, Holter monitoring, and nuclear cardiology. The Division also has major programs of clinical research in Cardiology.

St. Joseph’s Health Centre

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Telephone: 416-530-6325
Fax: 416-530-6702

St. Joseph’s Health Centre’s experienced team of cardiologists and cardiac diagnostic technicians provide care to diagnose and manage a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. Use the site specific referral form found on the website. Patient education resources and additional information on the website.

St. Michael’s Hospital Heart and Vascular Program

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Telephone: 416-864-3035
Fax: 416-864-5334

Address: 7-070 Donnelly Wing
St. Michael’s Hospital
30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8

The Heart and Vascular Program is a leader in a range of clinical and academic services in the investigation, prevention, and treatment of heart disease and vascular conditions. The program also provides post-acute care follow-up through its cardiac rehabilitation program and ambulatory clinics. See the website for a wide range of services and programs in cardiac care.

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Cardiology Division

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Phone number: 416-480-6066

A key member of Sunnybrook’s Schulich Heart Program, providing leadership in the management and care of patients with cardiac and vascular diseases, focusing on coordinated and integrated cardiovascular services; interventional cardiac procedures, acute coronary syndromes, women’s cardiovascular health, and ambulatory care.

UHN Cardiology: TGH, TWH

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Phone number: 416-603-5623

Patients can be referred by their family doctor to be seen by a cardiologist and may be recommended for additional follow-up with other members of the team, such as registered dietitians. Use referral form See website for patient and family resources and handouts.

Concussion Awareness Training Tool

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An interactive online resource that offers education, and resources for medical, clinical staff or patients and caregivers interested in caring for concussion injured persons.

Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation

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ONF is internationally recognized for the guidelines for managing concussions (adults and children) and guidelines for rehabilitating adults with moderate-to-severe TBI. These guidelines help healthcare professionals manage post-concussion symptoms and provide direction to rehabilitate persons with moderate-to-severe ABI. Starting in 2019 these Guidelines will become living guidelines to ensure that the most current research literature is incorporated into the recommendations.

Avantderm (Regular dermatological appointments and RAC)

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Rapid Access Clinics Daily 8:00-11:00 at 45 Mill St, Toronto, arrive early for same-day appoints for this rapid access clinic – Physician referral required

St. Michael’s Hospital Dermatology Clinic

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Phone number: 416-864-3046
Fax number: 416-864-6089

Dermatologist open Tuesday/Thursday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

Women’s College Hospital Dermatology Clinic

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Phone number: 416-323-7546
Fax number: 416-323-6236
76 Grenville Street 5th floor, Toronto, ON M5S 1B2

The RKS Dermatology Centre at Women’s College Hospital has expanded. In order to reduce wait times and reserve time slots for urgent appointments, we have hired three additional dermatologists and have expanded the areas of expertise available to our patients.

By referral Monday-Friday 8:00 – 4:00 pm, to ensure proper triage, please include any supporting documents (Diagnostic, Laboratory tests, and Pathology reports).

Annex Medical Imaging

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Telephone: 416-531-1128
Address: 800 Bathurst St, Suite 304, Toronto

Services include bone mineral densitometry, mammography, chest x-ray, bone x-ray, and ultrasound.

Breast Cancer – Gattuso Rapid Diagnostic Centre

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Fax: 416 946 2370

Gattuso Rapid Diagnostic Centre at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (UHN) helps people quickly find out if they have breast cancer.

Danforth Main Medical Diagnostic Limited

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Danforth/Main Medical Diagnostics first opened in 1988 serving the Danforth and Upper Beaches community proudly in medical diagnostic imaging service. Privately owned Independent Health Facility. Provides x-ray, mammography (OBSP), ultrasound, vascular ultrasound, venous Doppler, arterial Doppler, carotid Doppler, echocardiography, cardiac Holter monitoring.

Forest Hill Medical Imaging

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Our center offers fully digitized outpatient medical imaging services and is conveniently located in the midtown Toronto area. Services provided include x-ray, ultrasound, and teleradiology.

LiverScan Direct

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A medical diagnostics clinic that specializes in the non-invasive assessment of liver health using FibroScan technology. Provides patients having liver disease rapid access to Fibroscan testing with the interpretation of results by an experienced hepatologist. No referral is necessary.

Quantum Medical Imaging Services

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Imaging services we offer include digital radiography, general ultrasound, mammography, musculoskeletal ultrasound, echocardiography, vascular ultrasound, and bone mineral densitometry.  Our affiliation with the Scarborough Hospital enables us to elevate our standard of urgent care by referring patients to surgeons in the event of abnormal findings on breast imaging.

Toronto Liver Centre

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The team of experts within gastroenterology and hepatology at Toronto Liver Centre screen, diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions that affect the liver and digestive system. Our unique collaboration delivers clinical excellence and patient convenience with a holistic, friendly, and caring approach. Our services include; clinical services, imaging services. Gastroenterology, hepatology, Fibroscan, and laboratory services.

Trillium Health Partners Diagnostic Imaging

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Angiography, bone mineral densitometry, CT, MRI, mammography, nuclear medicine, x-ray, stomach and bowel exams, upper GI exam, ultrasound, ultrasound guided biopsy, vascular lab.

True North Imaging

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Ultrasound, x-ray, mammography (OBSP), bone mineral density, sonohysterography, fertility. Multiple clinic locations.

Women’s College Hospital Breast Imaging/Mammography

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Our breast imaging centre at Women’s College Hospital is an Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) assessment site as part of our proud partnership with Cancer Care Ontario. The OBSP is a self-referral screening mammogram that does not require a requisition from your family doctor. This program is for Ontario women only, aged 50 to 74 years old, who have no previous history of breast cancer, no implants, and no current breast symptoms.

York Radiology

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BMD, bone scan, exercise myocardial perfusion, hepatobiliary (HIDA) study, liver and spleen study, lung scan, digital mammography, perfusion brain scan, RBC liver study, renal study, thyroid biopsies, ultrasound, x-ray.

Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology – St Michael’s Hospital

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Telephone: 416-867-3679
Fax: 416-867-3654
Address: 61 Queen St. East, Toronto, ON M5C2T2

We see adults with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
We offer a specialized clinic for young adults (18-24 years of age) with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
We offer a team-based approach to managing diabetes: endocrinologists (diabetes doctors), diabetes nurse educators, registered dietitians, social workers, chiropodists, and pharmacists.
Our team will work collaboratively with you to create an individualized care plan.
We offer individual appointments, clinics, and group classes.

Services provided
Regular appointments with an endocrinologist for an initial assessment and follow up.
One-on-one appointments with our team members (dietitian, nurse, social worker, chiropodist, pharmacist).

Child and Teen Diabetes Program – North York General Hospital

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Telephone: 416-635-2575

Our Child and Teen Diabetes Education Program specialize in infants, children, and teens with Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and those who are at risk of developing diabetes.

Our program includes individual teaching, counseling, and support for children and teens with diabetes, their families, and/or caregivers. We have over 150 families in our program, with many children using insulin pumps to manage their blood sugars. We are able to test HbA1c (90-day average blood sugar) onsite and are a certified Assistive Devices Program (ADP) centre that will help you get government funding to cover some of the cost of insulin pump supplies.

Have you just been diagnosed?  Your family is starting a journey that will include many changes both now and as your child grows to be a healthy, responsible young adult. Our team is here to assist you and your family through the many ages and stages of diabetes management. Our goal is to guide you in achieving everything that a full life, without limits, includes for you and your family.

Referral Form

Diabetes Education Program – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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Telephone: 416-480-4805
Fax: 416-480-4283
Address: 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON M4N 3M5

The program is for people who want to learn how to successfully fit diabetes into their lifestyle. By participating in our interactive individual or group sessions, you will receive practical information and the necessary tools to understand the role of nutrition, exercise, medication, and blood sugar monitoring in managing your diabetes. You will also learn to set realistic and achievable goals to fit your lifestyle.

Referral Form

Michael Garron Hospital Diabetes Clinic

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DIRECT CONTACT NUMBER: Telephone # 416 469 6580  Ext. 6031

The Diabetes Clinic’s core team consists of endocrinologists (diabetes specialists), and certified diabetes registered nurse educator (CDE RN), registered nurses, and registered dietitians. We also enlist help from social work, chiropody, and pharmacy. We consult other physician specialties as needed including cardiologists (for the heart), ophthalmologists (for the eyes), nephrologists (for the kidneys), neurologists (for nerves), and infectious disease specialists (for infections and ulcers). We provide expert clinical management, self-care education, and ongoing support for individuals with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, in addition to pre-diabetes care.

Thyroid Diagnostic Assessment Unit (DAU) – Michael Garron Hospital

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Telephone: 416-469-6580 ext. 2749
Fax: 416-469-6154

Thyroid Diagnostic Assessment Unit (Thyroid DAU) offers access to the services of a team of highly trained clinicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid lumps or tumors. Members include Surgeons, Endocrinologists, Diagnostic Imaging Specialist, Pathologists, nurses, and clerical staff. Michael Garron Hospital is affiliated with Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre. Once your family doctor sends us a referral with your test results, our Navigator will contact you and set up your first appointment usually within 2 weeks at your convenience. We will ensure your questions are answered and that you are informed of the progress of your investigation so you can make decisions about your care. If you need surgery you will have high priority. If you do not need surgery, but need further follow up we will ensure you are monitored by our endocrinologists and that your family doctor is informed.

Thyroid Program – Women’s College Hospital

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Telephone: 416-323-6400 x 4874
Fax: 416-323-2669
Address: 76 Grenville Street, Floor 3, Toronto, ON M5S 1B2

The Thyroid Program takes a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of various thyroid diseases. Patients with different thyroid and parathyroid conditions are assessed, this includes thyroid dysfunction (under or overactive), thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, parathyroid dysfunction, and other conditions. Our team consists of the physician and surgical specialists and clinical nurse specialists; we strive to provide you with a one-stop-shop for all of your thyroid needs at Women’s College Hospital.

Toronto Diabetes Care Connect

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Toronto Diabetes Care Connect (TDCC) is a program of South Riverdale Community Health Centre (SRCHC) that provides system-level support around access to and delivery of diabetes care within the Toronto region.

Referral Form

Canadian Hearing Society

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Patients can be referred for hearing tests, hearing aid evaluations, hearing aids, and follow up services, classes and workshops, tinnitus, and hyperacusis consultations.

Centre for Advanced Hearing and Balance Testing – UHN TGH

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Telephone: 416 340 3666
Fax: 416 340 3745

The Centre for Advanced Hearing and Balance Testing at Toronto General Hospital is among the largest and most diverse out-patient audiology and specialty vestibular units in North America.​ Dedicated to the provision of comprehensive hearing and balance assessments and offers a variety of tests for the identification of hearing and balance disorders.

ENT Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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External referrals from family doctors are accepted. For patients experiencing dizziness, the referral can be addressed to MSH ENT or “first available”.

Humber River Hospital Pediatric Audiology Clinic

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Evaluates and identifies any difficulties in the hearing of infants and children from ages 2 months to 18 years old. Our goal is to catch a child’s hearing difficulties at an early age, so we can help then to avoid potential delays in their speech, language, social, emotional, psychological, and/or educational development.

In-Balance Physiotherapy-Vestibular Rehabilitation

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The vestibular system is comprised of the parts of the inner ear and brain that process the sensory information involved with controlling balance and eye movements. When these areas are damaged by injury or disease, vestibular disorders can result. Symptoms can include intense sensations of spinning, nausea, loss of balance, “brain fog”, a general sense of not feeling well and fatigue and gait issues.

Common vestibular disorders include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease, perilymph fistula, and secondary endolymphatic hydrops, among others.

Symptoms such as imbalance and chronic dizziness can severely impact a person’s quality of life. Vestibular disorders can affect both adults and children.


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Dr. Bassem Hanna is board certified in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Fellowship subspecialty training in rhinology, endoscopic sinus, and skull base surgery and Pediatric Otolaryngology.

Michael Garron Hospital Otolaryngology (Head & Neck)

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Phone number: 416-461-8272

Michael Garron Hospital’s (MGH) Department of Otolaryngology – head and neck surgery, provides medical and surgical services relating to disease of the ear, nose, sinuses, throat, neck, and face.

Munk Hearing Centre

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Services include; the following: hearing assessment, hearing aid evaluation, fitting and follow-up, hearing loss and prevention, and tinnitus. Located at Toronto General Hospital.

Sound Advice Hearing Clinic

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Locally owned and operated, Sound Advice Hearing Clinic offers quality hearing healthcare in a professional and friendly environment. We provide comprehensive hearing services of all ages, including diagnostic hearing tests, hearing aid consultations and fittings, tinnitus counseling, customized ear molds, and earplugs, and much more. We are affiliated with North York General Hospital and a designated Toronto Infant Hearing Program site for testing and dispensing.

Speech Language Pathology – Find a Practitioner

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Use OSLA’s  Find a Practitioner to find a private practitioner or service agency near you. Please note that private services are not covered through OHIP. However, many private health insurance plans offer some coverage of speech therapy services. Furthermore, there are many charitable organizations that offer financial assistance to families.

Public funding varies, depending on the patient/client’s condition, with access to publicly funded services inconsistent across the Province.

Speech Therapy Works

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The clinical focus is in the area of pediatrics: speech therapy for children. We administer individual and group therapy in our clinic and at your home. We treat children at various stages of development every day. We work with children experiencing mild speech-language difficulties and children with significant speech-language delays. We have the expertise to provide effective therapy for children with various diagnoses including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down Syndrome.

St. Joseph’s ENT Clinic

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The clinic is located on the first floor of the Glendale wing (Area F) and runs Monday and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

The clinic is run by an otolaryngologist, a physician specializing in the assessment and treatment of disorders of ears (hearing and balance) the nose (nasal and sinus diseases) and the pharynx (throat). Patients with concerns in any of these areas are thoroughly assessed and any required diagnostic testing and follow-up and treatment are arranged.

Voice Clinic

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The Voice Clinic helps diagnose and treat all ENT problems.

Birth Control – Women’s College Hospital Bay Centre

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The Bay Centre for Birth Control clinic offers comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care for women in Ontario. Their confidential services include physical examination, counseling, information, and referrals.

CReATe Fertility Centre

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CReATe stands for Canadian Reproductive Assisted Technology. Proudly headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, they are internationally renowned for their specialized fertility services and ground-breaking research. They are committed to providing personalized, comprehensive, cutting-edge care for every fertility journey. They offer an experienced team, state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, and pioneering research scientists to give patients the best options for creating a family.

Family Planning Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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This clinic focuses on contraceptive choices that a family doctor may not be able to address. In particular, they provide counseling for patients with complex medical and contraceptive needs, IUD insertion, and offer tubal ligation surgery. The patient’s first appointment will be a one-to-one consultation with a gynecologist and/or nurse to decide on a form of contraception that is right for them.

Fertility – New Life Fertility Centre

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They provide insight, hope, and care for patients who have concerns about their fertility and overall reproductive health. Their team of infertility specialists will guide patients along a path of reproductive healthcare.

Fertility – TRIO

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TRIO was established in 2015 when the experienced teams of fertility specialists from LifeQuest Centre for Reproductive Medicine and TCART Fertility Partners merged to form the new clinical practice TRIO Fertility. Today, their in-house medical team is the largest in Canada, providing distinct advantages to our patients, including timely access to a second opinion as well as expertise in a variety of subspecialties within the field of fertility medicine.

Fertility Centre – Hannam Fertility Centre

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Hannam Fertility Centre features extra rooms for shorter waiting times, internal labs for faster test results, a world-class partnership for IVF.

Fertility Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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They offer a comprehensive set of advanced fertility services, making it possible for patients to realize their dream of becoming a parent.

Fertility-Anova Fertility and Reproductive Health

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Anova Fertility & Reproductive Health opened in 2016 as Canada’s newest full-service fertility and IVF centre. They are home to the first next-generation embryology laboratory in Canada.

Fertility-Astra Fertility Group

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At Astra, they are committed to identifying the root cause of fertility troubles and restoring natural fertility potential. Their primary objective is to reach an accurate diagnosis of fertility difficulties before directing patients to the most effective corrective action to restore fertility.

Generation Fertility

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Holly Street Endoscopy Clinic

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Emergencies are seen the same day and urgent cases within 48 hours. Services are completely covered by OHIP with no additional charges or fees for administration, time-off letters to employers, etc.

Centrally located in the Yonge-Eglinton area of Toronto, we offer easy access for wheelchairs and convenient Green P Parking and TTC close by.

Holly clinic accepts out-of-province referrals for patients whose provincial healthcare is reciprocal with OHIP. This service benefits patients who wish to have their procedure done in a timely fashion.

Kensington Screening Clinic

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Appointments are booked within two weeks to a month of the referral. Our team triages referral based on established guidelines. Patients get an optimized experience because we are warm, efficient, accessible, and convenient. Referring physicians receive reports immediately after procedures.

Patients have access to the following procedures and therapies:

  • Colonoscopy (medical imaging of the large intestine)
  • Gastroscopy ( medical imaging of the esophagus)
  • Infusion/injection training (delivery of medications for Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) nursing support
  • Mount Sinai Colorectal Diagnostic Assessment Program (DAP)

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    The Colorectal Diagnostic Assessment Program provides a coordinated and streamlined approach to ensure patients are well supported through the diagnostic phase in a timely manner. Our DAP team supports patients from diagnosis to treatment as efficiently as possible. We provide high-quality care in a smooth and coordinated fashion to achieve the best possible outcome and experience.

    North York Endoscopy Centre

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    Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy is a medical director who welcomes referrals for all problems related to the gastrointestinal system, including nutritional concerns. Through consultations and endoscopy performed at the centre some of the more common conditions that can be diagnosed and/or treated include gastroesophageal reflux, ulcers, colon cancer, Crohn’s disease, and Ulcerative Colitis.

    Oakville Endoscopy Centre

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    The Oakville Endoscopy Centre is staffed by a team of highly-trained specialists.  All of our physicians are fully certified Gastroenterologists and have advanced training used to detect and diagnose colon cancer.  In addition to their work at the Centre, they practice at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital.

    Provis Rudd Clinic

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    Ambulatory patient care in anorectal surgery and endoscopy. Several new surgical techniques and a number of procedures have been developed at Rudd Clinic to create a more efficient, less painful, and usually more effective treatment of anorectal problems. Three Provis-Rudd Clinics locations, Mississauga, Oakville downtown Toronto Rudd clinic. We perform approximately 45,000 procedures per year and are one of the largest endoscopic facilities in Canada.

    Sunnybrook Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Assessment Program

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    Our Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Assessment Program (CRC-DAP) offers a centralized program that creates a single point of entry into the cancer journey at diagnosis, improving access to cancer care, including expedited colonoscopy for patients whose physicians suspect colorectal cancer.

    UHN TGH Esophageal Disease Rapid Assessment and Management Program (ESORAMP)

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    We treat patients with esophageal disorders such as reflux and difficulty swallowing. We investigate for esophageal cancer by conducting a variety of tests to diagnose and stage the disease. We also work closely with Medical and Radiation Oncologists – ​​both locally at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre as well as with your referring oncologists, to provide timely and personalized treatment.

    UHN TWH Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Assessment Program

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    The Colorectal Cancer Diagnostic Assessment Program (CRC DAP) coordinated and expedited diagnostic services for all patients referred with suspicion or confirmed diagnosis of colorectal cancer via a single point of entry and triaging of patients by the Nurse Navigator, in collaboration with our surgeon team, to reduce wait times to diagnosis and cancer treatment, and provide quality patient care.

    Women’s College Hospital Gastroenterology Clinic

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    The Gastroenterology Clinic sees a broad range of gastrointestinal diseases. Along with consultations and follow-up ambulatory visits we provide Endoscopic procedures including both colonoscopy and gastroscopy. Our clinic also has a keen interest in colorectal cancer screening, GI diseases in Women, and Inflammatory Bowel disease.

    York Endoscopy and Specialist Centre

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    Our Clinic provides services in Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Hemorrhoid Banding, No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy, and Internal Medicine. We are located adjacent to Highway 404 and Elgin Mills Road at 1650 Elgin Mills Road E, Unit 103, Richmond Hill.  Free parking is available in front of the building and the underground. Our staff speaks English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Tagalog. To book an appointment, a referral from a family physician is required.  Please contact your family doctor or walk-in.

    Michael Garron General Medical Clinic

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    Internal medicine or general medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. Such clinics include endocrinology, gestational diabetes, nephrology, geriatrics, arthritic, gastrointestinal, and thyroid. Telephone # 416 469 6580  Ext. 6031.

    Michael Garron Medical Triage Clinic

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    The Medical Triage Clinic sees patients needing a semi-urgent assessment. They are referred from the Emergency Department by physicians within the hospital or by community family physicians (SCOPE) and Nurse Navigator. The clinic works in partnership with the hospital to get tests and other specialist assessments completed urgently. Within our clinic, we also see people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis C, and individuals with Clostridium Difficile (C. diff) needing fecal transplants.

    St. Michael’s General Internal Medicine Clinic

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    Patients are referred by health care professionals at St. Michael’s and physicians in the community; generally non-urgent issues. If a referral is felt to be urgent by our staff, the patient will be accommodated in the Rapid Referral Clinic or a cancellation spot within the GIM clinic.

    Trillium Health Partners Acute Internal Medicine (AIM) Clinic

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    The Acute Internal Medicine Clinic (AIM)  or sometimes referred to as the General Internal Medicine (GIM) Clinic specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of diseases involving all organ systems. They are especially skilled in the management of patients with complex medical needs. Referral by an ER/Hospital physician is required.

    Women’s College General Internal Medicine Clinic

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    The General Internal Medicine (GIM) Clinic provides short-term follow up to patients who have been admitted to the Acute Ambulatory Care Unit in order to facilitate more timely discharge.

    In addition, the clinic provides consultation to family practice for patients with acute medical issues or patients with multiple complex medical problems and offers ongoing management of patients with complex medical problems.


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    Patient Resources
    Anorectal Clinic Patient Resources PDF

    Making an appointment
    Patients are seen only by referral from a physician.
    Referring a patient – FOR PHYSICIANS ONLY
    Download and complete the patient referral form
    Please fax your referral to the Toronto Anorectal Program (TARP) at Women’s College Hospital at 416-323-6172

    Cancer Genetics and High Risk Program – Sunnybrook

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    The Cancer Genetics and High-Risk Program offer cancer risk assessment, genetic counseling, and/or genetic testing to eligible individuals and families who may be at risk for hereditary cancer.

    Clinical Genetics – Lakeridge Health

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    The Genetics Clinic at Lakeridge Health Oshawa works with individuals and families who have a genetic condition or are at risk of developing a genetic condition. Our team of physicians and genetic counselors meets with individuals at all stages of life, from preconception and pregnancy to birth and adulthood.

    Clinical Genetics – North York General Hospital

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    North York General Hospital’s clinical service offers genetic counseling, assessment, and diagnosis to a wide range of patients who meet with a genetic counselor and/or clinical geneticist. The Genetics Program has a unique and strong family-focused approach to patient care.

    Genetic testing is offered in certain situations. The limitations and benefits of genetic testing are discussed at length with patients to help them make an informed choice.

    Clinical Genetics – Trillium Health Partners

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    Trillium Health Partners Genetics team provides genetics consultation services in our Credit Valley Hospital Location.  Our team is made up of Geneticists, Genetic Counsellors, and support staff. We work very closely with the other specialties in the hospital such as Maternal Child Services and Oncology, as well as other healthcare providers in the hospital and throughout the community to ensure our patients’ individual needs are addressed.

    Fred A. Litwin Family Centre in Genetic Medicine – UHN

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    We provide genetic assessments and genetic counseling for people who may be at risk of hereditary conditions based on their medical or family history. Your doctor may recommend that you come for a genetics appointment if:

    • You have been diagnosed with a genetic condition
    • You are concerned that you might have a genetic condition
    • Several of your family members have the same medical problem, and you are concerned about what it might mean for you or your children
    • You have questions about family planning because of a genetic condition in your or your partner’s family
    • You have questions about genetic testing

    Genetics and Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    We provide comprehensive genetic counseling services for individuals with a personal and/or family history of breast and/or ovarian cancers. Through a team approach, we provide integral genetic services while advancing patient care and research.

    We are available to talk with you about whether cancer in your family may be hereditary and if genetic testing is appropriate in the family. Where warranted genetic testing will be arranged and results and implications discussed. We can speak with you about different options on how to best manage and reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancers. We can also let you know if you are eligible for additional breast cancer screening through either the WCH High-Risk Breast Screening clinic or the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP). Necessary referrals can be made (where appropriate).

    Hereditary Kidney Disease Clinic – UHN TGH

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    Offer genetic testing and counseling to patients with hereditary kidney disease. The clinic has an experienced team of specialists with expertise in both medical and surgical management of kidney and non-kidney related complications, as well as novel experimental drug treatments.

    Huntington Disease Genetic Testing Centre – North York General Hospital

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    The molecular lab provides testing for Huntington disease for all genetic centres and other health care facilities in the province. Families and individuals at risk for Huntington disease are able to access North York General Hospital’s counseling, predictive testing, and long-term care follow-up in a multidisciplinary clinic. Patients attending the clinic have access to genetics, neurology, psychiatry, and social work services.

    Viaguard (Accu-metrics)

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    The patient can connect with the company to request a kit to be mailed to his address. The kit includes instructions/paperwork/cheek swabs. The cost of the paternity testing starts at $199.00., plus the cost of shipping (generally $10).  Once the kit is received and the swabs are obtained, the samples have to be mailed back to the company and are processed. If the patient would like the results to be legally binding he would need the samples to be collected by a third party. The pt can also opt to have the testing done at the lab he would call the company and schedule an appointment for a sample collection. There is about a $100 additional fee to have the sample collected at the on-site location. During this appointment, he would have to bring the child in.

    Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto

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    Geriatric Outreach Teams
    Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) in the older adult’s home or long-term care home is conducted by one or two healthcare professionals in geriatric medicine, nursing, social work, psychiatry, physiotherapy, or occupational therapy. Other health professionals may be involved if needed. They work collaboratively with other healthcare providers to facilitate linkages/referrals and assist in their implementation.

    Geriatric Outpatient Clinics
    Clinics led by geriatricians, who provide a comprehensive geriatric assessment, care planning, and treatment. They work collaboratively with other healthcare providers, including primary care practitioners, to provide holistic care.

    Specialty Clinics/Programs
    Clinics or programs which are focused on a specific issue, such as mental health (including memory and mood), pain, falls prevention, and care after being hospitalized. Some organizations also provide programs for caregivers. Click here for a directory of memory clinics in the TC LHIN.

    Geriatric Day Hospitals
    Geriatric Day hospital programs are recommended for frail older adults living in the community who need to improve their functional ability the following discharge from the hospital or who are at risk of hospital admission because of complexity. Older adults attend the day hospital once or twice a week until their goals are achieved.

    Benign Hematology Clinic- Michael Garron

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    The Benign Haematology Clinic covers a wide spectrum of blood disorders. Some of these are mild, but some are challenging chronic conditions. The hematology team will work closely with you to ensure you get the best possible care.

    General Hematology Clinic – UHN

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    The Blood Disorders Program (Thrombosis & Hemostasis Clinic, General Hematology Clinic, and Red Blood Cell Clinic) is dedicated to managing diseases of the blood and bone marrow. At the Blood Disorders Program, hematology experts on your team work closely with you to ensure you get the best care possible.

    Hematology and Coagulation Clinic – Trillium Health Partners

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    The Hematology and Coagulation Clinic provide assessment and treatment for patients with blood diseases. This clinic does not address blood diseases related to cancer.

    Red Blood Cell Clinic – UHN

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    The Red Blood Cell Clinic is dedicated to managing sickle cell, thalassemia, and other hemoglobinopathies. At the Red Blood Cell Clinic, hematology experts on your team work closely with you to ensure you get the best care possible.

    Thrombosis and Hemostasis Clinic – UHN

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    The Thrombosis and Hemostasis Clinic team delivers outpatient care and treatment for patients with blood clotting or anticoagulation problems.

    Positive Care Program – St. Michael’s Hospital

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    At St. Michael’s Hospital, the Positive Care Program team, and the inpatient team work together to provide a total Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) care and services to you and your family. We provide patient care in several areas of the hospital according to your health care needs.

    Addictions Outpatient Services – UHN TWH

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    The ambulatory program providing services to people over the age of 18 who are interested in making changes to their alcohol and/or other substance use. They offer a number of specialized services such as assessment and referral, individual psychotherapy/counseling, acupuncture for addictions, and psychiatric consultation.

    Asian Initiative In Mental Health Clinic – UHN TWH

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    The Asian Initiative in Mental Health Clinic (AIM) provides comprehensive psychiatric assessment and treatment for people of Chinese background with mental illness. The Early Intervention in Psychosis Program provides dedicated services to those experiencing their first episode of psychosis as well as those who care for them.

    Centre for Depression – UHN TWH

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    UHN’s centre specializing in depression and mood disorders treatment; they offer pharmacology, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulations (rTMS), and psychotherapy services.

    Community Mental Health Clinic – UHN TGH

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    Mental health services, including individual and group therapy, in English and Spanish. Patients are seen by a psychiatrist and a mental health clinician.

    Eating Disorder Program – UHN TGH

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    Provides comprehensive information, assessment, and intensive treatment to individuals 17 years or older with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or other forms of disordered eating (the program does not offer treatment for obesity or binge eating disorder).

    Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team – UHN, TWH & TRI

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    The Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Team visits patients at long-term care homes in central Toronto (see a full list on the website) and provides geriatric mental health services, including consultation, assessment, and follow-up care, in the long-term care homes supported by UHN.

    Geriatric Psychiatry Unit – UHN TGH

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    This unit assesses and treats people age 60 years or older who experience problems with their mood, memory, or thought processes. The types of conditions that treated include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder (“manic depression”), psychosis, memory problems, and dementia.

    IMPACT Unit – UHN

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    An outpatient program that provides mental health outreach services to adults living in downtown Toronto. The program is based on the Assertive Community Treatment model. It is an intensive, patient-centred program that has been proven effective in enhancing the quality of life and decreasing the need for hospitalization among people with serious mental illness.

    Ossington Men’s Withdrawal Management Centre – UHN

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    The Ossington Men’s Withdrawal Management Centre provides withdrawal support to men, 16 years and older who are in an acute state of intoxication or withdrawal from alcohol or other substances and whose condition can be safely managed in a non-medical residential setting.

    Portuguese Mental Health and Addiction Services – UHN TWH

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    The ambulatory program provides mental health and addiction services to people who speak Portuguese. The program has three main services: a general assessment (comprised of a treatment and consultation service), an addiction service, and an intensive case management service for those with severe mental illness.

    Princess Margaret Hospital – Psychosocial Oncology Clinic – UHN

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    At the Psychosocial Oncology Clinic, the team includes social workers, music and art therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. They provide counseling and therapies to help you and your family cope with cancer, reduce stress, and improve emotional well-being. We offer many services to help you and your family while you are a patient at Princess Margaret. We also provide support after your treatment.

    Psychiatric Emergency Services Unit (PESU) – UHN TWH

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    PESU is a safe and secure environment designed to provide evidenced-based and holistic services to people who are experiencing a mental health illness crisis. Individuals in need of mental health care are triaged directly into PESU from the Emergency Department, where they are seen by experts in mental health and addictions.

    Psychiatric Urgent Care Clinic – UHN TWH

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    Patients suitable for referral to the clinic are those who are not in need of immediate hospitalization or emergency department assessment but are unable to wait weeks for an outpatient psychiatric assessment.

    Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) clinics – META:Phi

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    A rapid access addiction medicine (RAAM) clinic is a low-barrier, walk-in clinic that patients can attend to get help for a substance use disorder without an appointment or formal referral. RAAM clinics provide time-limited medical addiction care (including pharmacotherapy, brief counseling, and referrals to community services).

    Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) clinics

    Women’s Own Withdrawal Management Centre – UHN

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    Women’s Own Withdrawal Management Centre provides withdrawal support to women aged 16 and over who are in an acute state of intoxication or withdrawal from alcohol or other substances and whose condition can be safely managed in a non-medical residential setting.

    Complex Injury Outpatient Rehab Service – UHN TRI

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    Assesses and treats people with multiple fractures, moderate to severe acquired brain injuries, or multiple system injuries. These individuals are ready for outpatient rehab after being in acute care or an in-patient rehabilitation centre. They also welcome people who are already living in the community who still have ongoing goals to be more independent and active, whether it’s returning to work, going back to school or participating in the community. Services provided through Complex Injury Outpatient Rehab are usually not covered by OHIP. In most cases, services are covered by third parties such as motor vehicle insurance, the Work and Safety Insurance Board (WSIB), and/or extended health benefits.

    Falls Prevention Program – UHN TRI

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    The Falls Prevention Program helps patients prevent falls. Falls are a leading cause of injury and hospitalization for seniors. At the first visit, the patient will be seen by a nurse, physiotherapist, and doctor to identify why they have been falling. If appropriate, the patient will be enrolled in our 12-week program of group education and exercise sessions (1 session per week).

    Foot and Ankle Service – UHN TWH

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    The Foot and Ankle Service provides education, diagnosis, and both surgical and non-surgical treatment for patients with a variety of foot and ankle problems, including athletic injuries, fractures, arthritis, and deformities.

    Fracture Clinics at Toronto Hospitals

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    Fracture clinic access at Toronto hospitals

    Not all hospitals offer fracture clinics – Telephone call or referral required – no walk-ins accepted

    Note: Fracture clinics are not for initial evaluation and stabilization of acute fractures.
    This must be done at the primary care or emergency department level as appropriate.

    Fracture Clinic Access at Toronto Hospitals

    Hand and Upper Extremity Transplant Program – UHN TWH

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    The Hand and Upper Extremity Transplant Program offers a new and unique service to patients at UHN. They perform upper limb transplants for suitable patients.

    Hand and Wrist Service – UHN TWH

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    The Hand and Wrist Services is part of the Hand Program. Our surgeons are internationally known for treating complex injuries of the wrist and hand. The surgeons and hand care physicians, as well as our therapists and health professions staff, are trained and experienced in caring for all problems of the hand, those that require surgery, and those that can be managed without surgery.

    Hand Therapy – UHN TWH

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    Hand Therapy helps patients in their recovery after they have had hand surgery. The therapy team is made up of hand therapists who are trained and certified in physiotherapy or occupational therapy. They work with patients on a one-on-one basis, assessing a patient, creating a plan for therapy, making custom splints and braces as needed, and teaching exercises and other therapeutic techniques.

    Hip and Knee – Rapid Access Clinics (RAC)

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    The Hip and Knee Rapid Access Clinic (RAC) is a provincial healthcare initiative that was put into place to provide ALL Ontarians with timely access to high quality, integrated musculoskeletal (MSK) care for joint pain and disability relating to hip and knee osteoarthritis. At the RAC, patients will be assessed by an Advanced Practitioner who will work with them to determine the appropriate care pathway. Services include hip and knee assessments, joint injections, self-care management, and orthopaedic surgery.


    Hip and Knee Service – UHN TWH

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    The Hip and Knee Service offers care and surgical treatment of these joints when they are damaged by arthritis. We perform joint replacements as well as corrective surgeries and other procedures.

    Low Back Pain – Rapid Access Clinics (RAC)

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    Rapid Access Clinics for Low Back Pain
    Inter-professional Spine Assessment & Education Clinics (ISAEC)

    Rapid Access Clinics for Low Back Pain stems from the Inter-professional Spine Assessment and Education Clinics (ISAEC) model.  ISAEC is an innovative, upstream, shared-care model of care in which patients receive rapid low back pain assessment (less than four weeks on average), education, and evidence-based self-management plans. It is designed to decrease the prevalence of unmanageable chronic low back pain, reduce unnecessary diagnostic imaging as well as unnecessary specialist referral.

    Musculoskeletal and Multisystem Rehab Program, Outpatient Therapy Centre – UHN TRI

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    The interprofessional team specializes in the rehabilitation of individuals with complex musculoskeletal conditions. The goal is to provide treatment to people living in the community so that they can optimize their function and independence.

    Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and Multi-System Inpatient Unit – UHN TRI

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    In the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and Multi-System Program, a team of health care professionals will provide care to help the patient recover and prepare for discharge.

    Osteoporosis Clinic – UHN TGH

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    The Osteoporosis Clinic offers diagnostic and clinical services to patients with osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases. They help people with low bone mass to manage their disease, focusing on reducing their risk of getting fractures and improving their quality of life.

    Physiotherapy Services (Publicly-Funded)

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    To be eligible for publicly-funded physiotherapy services, a person must, for each Episode of Care:

    • be referred by a physician or nurse practitioner based on the findings of an assessment that the person requires physiotherapy services, be an OHIP insured person under the Health Insurance Act and be within one of the following categories:
      • aged 65 years and older;
      • aged 19 years and younger; or
      • recently discharged as an inpatient of a hospital and in need of physiotherapy clinic services that are directly connected to the condition, illness, or injury for which the person was admitted to the hospital.


    • be referred by a physician or nurse practitioner based on the findings of an assessment that the person requires physiotherapy services and be eligible for funding of services under the Ontario Disability Support or Ontario Works programs.

    Publicly Funded Physiotherapy Clinics – Toronto Central
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Shoulder and Elbow Service – UHN TWH

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    The Shoulder and Elbow Service deals with a wide range of shoulder and elbow problems, including acute fractures and fracture sequelae, elbow arthritis, shoulder arthritis, dislocation or instability, joint stiffness, rotator cuff tear.

    Spine Service – UHN TWH

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    The Spine Service deals with a wide range of neck and back problems, including disc problems, spinal stenosis, adult scoliosis, sciatica, fractures and dislocations, tumors, osteoporosis, spine infections, unsuccessful previous surgery.

    Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery Service – UHN TWH

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    The Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery Service deal with a wide range of sports injuries to the knee, foot, ankle, shoulder, elbow, and hip.

    Geriatric Nephrology Consult Services – UHN TGH

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    The goal is to tailor kidney care to better fit the patient’s lifestyles. They will listen to all of the patient’s symptoms and concerns, to prioritize those things of importance to the patient, and to provide information on how to get community support services that may be of use.

    Glomerulonephritis Clinic – UHN TGH

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    The specialized clinic investigates and treats patients with glomerulonephritis who have been referred by a nephrologist or a family doctor who has tested for and found large amounts of protein and/or blood in the patient’s urine. Because the disease is serious and can lead to end-stage renal disease (in some cases, within months or even weeks), the diagnosis and management of the disease are crucial. They treat glomerulonephritis occurring on its own or secondary to a systemic condition, such as vasculitis.

    Hemodialysis Unit – UHN TGH

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    Hemodialysis is also called “HD” or “Hemo”. It is a treatment that cleans the toxins from your blood. It also removes water from your body. People receive hemodialysis because their kidneys can no longer clean their blood as well as they should. The unit provides hemodialysis for patients with acute kidney injury or end-stage renal disease. Hemodialysis patients are supported by a multi-disciplinary care team including a nephrologist, nurse practitioner, nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, chiropodist, vascular access coordinator, physiotherapist, and social worker.

    Hereditary Kidney Disease Clinic – UHN TGH

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    Offer genetic testing and counseling to patients with hereditary kidney disease. The clinic has an experienced team of specialists with expertise in both medical and surgical management of kidney and non-kidney related complications, as well as novel experimental drug treatments.

    Home Hemodialysis Unit – UHN TGH

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    Home hemodialysis allows nephrology patients to receive dialysis treatment at home, by connecting themselves to a dialysis machine. Patients dialyze overnight, while they sleep. The Home Hemodialysis Unit is comprised of the Training Unit and the clinic.

    Home Peritoneal Dialysis Unit – UHN TGH

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    The unit provides patients and families the education and training they need to perform peritoneal dialysis at home, on their own. They are also the home of the Dialysis Start Unit, which is available for patients who need to start dialysis urgently.  This allows patients to receive dialysis, and learn about different dialysis treatment options.

    Kidney Transplant Clinic – UHN TGH

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    Patients being assessed for a kidney transplant will be seen through the FASTRAK Clinic located in the Ambulatory Transplant Centre. FASTRAK brings together the patient’s tests and evaluations. This reduces the number of visits the patient makes to the hospital. Once home from the hospital after surgery, the clinic will schedule the patient’s follow-up care in the Ambulatory Transplant Clinic.

    Multi-Care Kidney Clinic (formerly Renal Management Clinic) – UHN TGH

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    Dedicated to promoting the health of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. The interdisciplinary team includes doctors, nurse educators and coordinators, a social worker, a pharmacist, a dietitian, and a chiropodist. Together, we will help you to learn how to stay healthy and manage your chronic kidney disease, through education, support, and treatment advice.

    Nephrology (Renal) Outpatient Services – Michael Garron Hospital

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    Telephone: 416-469-6580  Ext. 6167 &  416-469-6168

    The nephrology (renal) program provides a range of renal disease care and services, including:

    General Nephrology Clinic, Multidisciplinary Kidney Care Clinic (MCKC), Vascular Access Clinic, In-centre Hemodialysis, In-patient Peritoneal Dialysis.

    MGH will be offering nocturnal in-centre hemodialysis in the Fall/Winter of 2018.

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Clinic – Sunnybrook

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    The clinic has grown to be one of the largest of its kind in Canada. They are affiliated with the University of Toronto Neurosciences Program and linked to the Assistive Technology Clinic (ATC) at Sunnybrook; this allows for easy access to assistive devices to improve a person’s independence and quality of life. The clinic requires a physician referral, but they do accept referrals from across Canada and the world.

    Assistive Technology Clinic – Baycrest

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    The Assistive Technology Clinic’s Baycrest site provides medical and rehabilitation management for people with Parkinson’s through the Jeff and Diane Ross Movement Disorders Clinic and with Multiple Sclerosis through the Elkie Adler MS Clinic. Aside from our medical programs, ATC provides leading-edge assistive technology in the areas of mobility and specialized seating, communication, advanced computer technology, environmental aids for daily living, and state of the art rehabilitation devices to improve the quality of life for people with acquired neurological and complex disabilities.

    Balance Disorders Clinic – Sunnybrook Hospital

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    Our balance disorders clinic sees patients with peripheral vestibular conditions such as Ménière’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuritis (labyrinthitis), recurrent vestibulopathy, and superior canal dehiscence syndrome. The testing is administered by a team of highly experienced vestibular technicians and audiologists and interpreted by their otologists/neurotologists to ensure accuracy and reliability.

    Clinical Neurophysiology Lab – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    The Clinical Neurophysiology Lab at Mount Sinai Hospital is an ambulatory facility specializing in diagnostic neurophysiology services. These services include nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and single-fibre electromyography. The lab is affiliated with the University of Toronto and resident education is incorporated into the service delivery. They have two neurologists who provide service to patients. Physician referrals are accepted by telephone and direct referrals can be made by calling: Dr. R. Kern, 416-586-4800 ext. 3218.

    Electromyography (EMG) Clinic – Sunnybrook Hospital

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    The EMG clinic sees patients for any nerve and/or muscle diseases and disorders. The physicians will consult with patients about their nerve and or muscle problems and then tests are done.

    Electromyography (EMG) Clinic – UHN TRI

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    EMG Clinic supports the diagnosis and management of peripheral nerve disorders, such as nerve injuries, pinched nerves in the neck or back, neuropathy, and nerve problems in the hands or feet that are related to illnesses.

    Epilepsy Clinic – UHN TWH

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    The team is focused on treating the medical aspects of epilepsy, but they understand that this condition can affect many aspects of life, from employment to living independently. In addition to providing expert medical care, they also try to connect patients with the social resources they may need. ​

    General Neurology – Baycrest

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    The neurologists in the clinic provide comprehensive assessments and care to people with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and seizures.

    Huntington Disease Genetic Testing – North York General Hospital

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    The molecular lab provides testing for Huntington disease for all genetic centres and other health care facilities in the province. Families and individuals at risk for Huntington disease are able to access North York General Hospital’s counseling, predictive testing, and long-term care follow-up in a multidisciplinary clinic. Patients attending the clinic have access to genetics, neurology, psychiatry, and social work services.

    Neuro-Oncology Brain Tumour Clinic – UHN TWH

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    The Toronto Western Hospital has a renowned surgical neuro-oncology program, which directly links with the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at UHN. The neurosurgeons can diagnose and provide surgical treatment for patients with brain tumours, while the team members at the Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre provide cancer care for patients who don’t need surgery.

    Neuro-Ophthalmology Clinic – UHN TWH

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    Neuro-ophthalmology concerns disorders of the brain, nerves, and muscles that affect vision. It covers a wide variety of conditions that fall at the border of neurology and ophthalmology. Five of the 12 cranial nerves in the head serve the vision. The clinic assesses visual problems affecting the pathways carrying visual signals to the brain and those which move the eyes.

    Neurological Rehabilitation – Lakeridge Health

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    The multidisciplinary Neurological Rehabilitation team supports people who have suffered a stroke, brain injury, or other new neurological events to regain as much independence as possible.

    Neurology Clinic – Barrie

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    a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Website
    Dr. Alex Jahangirvand, the scope of his practice at Barrie Neurology Clinic includes general neurology, including headache, stroke, seizure and epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and dementia.

    He has a special interest in neuromuscular medicine, including nerve compression or injury (such as carpal tunnel syndrome), nerve root injury (such as sciatica), and other problems of the muscles or nerves. Less common medical conditions include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), myasthenia gravis, and muscular dystrophy. The Barrie Neurology Clinic is fully equipped with a state-of-art EMG laboratory.

    Neurology Consultants – Trillium Health Partners

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    Before founding Trillium Neurology Consultants, Dr. Jamsheed Desai saw a need for a different kind of Neurological Clinic. Drawing inspiration from his patients, he saw a need for a clinic that listened to patient stories and provided great patient-driven care. So in 2016, Dr. Desai founded Trillium Neurology Consultants to better serve neurological patients in the west Greater Toronto Area and provide patient-driven care.

    Neurology Follow-up Clinic – St. Joseph’s Health Centre

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    The clinic is staffed by a specialist in disorders of the nervous system, including the brain. The clinic provides assessments and consultations for problems that include seizure disorders, headaches, stroke, neuromuscular disorders, and Parkinson’s disease.

    Neurology Lab – St. Joseph’s Health Centre

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    The Neurophysiology Lab examines disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves throughout the body. The nervous system controls all sensations and behaviors and can manifest in a wide variety of symptoms. The Neurophysiology Lab provides patients with different types of diagnostic tests including electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyography (EMG). This service is part of our medical diagnostics portfolio, which specializes in diagnostic services related to cardiology, respiratory, and neurology. The department provides clinical and diagnostic interventions to an inpatient and outpatient population.

    Neurology Service – UHN TRI

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    The Neurology Service is a fee-for-service outpatient assessment program for individuals who have sustained a head, brain, neck, or other neurological injuries, usually through a work-related incident. The injury has often left a person with severe problems. They could have trouble thinking and reasoning or have difficulty with moving and their motor coordination. They could have neurological damage or have psychiatric or social issues.

    Neuromuscular Clinic – UHN TGH Prosserman Family

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    The clinic specializes in the diagnosis and management of all neuromuscular conditions. The clinic provides care for patients with routine neuromuscular assessments such as carpal tunnel syndrome or radiculopathies, as well as complex conditions, including neuromuscular junction disorders such as myasthenia gravis, diabetic neuropathy, inflammatory neuropathy (CIDP/GBS) and muscular dystrophy. The clinic provides outpatient and selected inpatient consultations and follow-up for patients with chronic neuromuscular conditions. ​

    Neurophysiology Lab – UHN TWH

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    The neurophysiology lab provides several tests to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the brain and nervous system. Some examples of the conditions that are seen are epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, and multiple sclerosis. The lab has a highly skilled staff of technologists who perform tests independently and in conjunction with physicians depending on what type of test is requested.

    Neuropsychology Clinic – UHN TWH

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    Neuropsychology treats and assesses the structure and functions of the brain as they relate to specific psychological processes and behaviors, such as memory and cognitive abilities. Neuropsychologists work with patients on a range of neurological issues including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease and stroke.

    Neurosurgeon’s Clinic – UHN TWH

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    Neurosurgeons specialize in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders of the brain and spine. At the Krembil Neuroscience Centre, there are 13 neurosurgeons on staff with extensive experience with treating brain tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, facial pain, aneurysms, and spinal injuries.

    Pediatric Neurology Clinic – North York General Hospital

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    North York General Hospital offers a variety of subspecialty clinics for paediatric patients including a Constipation Clinic, Dermatology Clinic, Gastroenterology Clinic, Gynaecology Clinic, Neurology Clinic, Respirology Clinic, and Rheumatology Clinic.

    Secondary Stroke Prevention Clinic – Sunnybrook Hospital

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    Outpatient service at Sunnybrook for individuals who have had a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). A stroke neurologist and clinical nurse specialist assess individuals and make recommendations to provide strategies about stroke management and prevention. Linkages are provided to the regional stroke team and other community resources as appropriate.

    Stroke Centre – Mackenzie Health, York Region District

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    As a District Stroke Centre, they are the only hospital in York Region who provide the clot-busting drug called tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and assess for eligibility to have a clot removal surgery called Endovascular Thrombectomy (EVT). Patients who are eligible to receive tPA are given this drug at Mackenzie Health. Those who are eligible for EVT are sent to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre for further assessment. Once all emergency treatments are completed, every effort is made to return patients to a hospital that offers specialized stroke care and is closest to their home.

    Stroke Centres – Toronto Regional

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    Stroke Prevention Clinic – Hamilton Health Science

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    The Stroke Prevention Clinic provides rapid access to experts, diagnostic tests, and treatments for minor, non-disabling strokes, and Transient Ischemic Attacks.

    Stroke Prevention Clinic – UHN TWH

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    The Stroke Prevention Clinic has a team of experts to treat patients who are at risk of having a stroke. They also provide ongoing care for those who have already experienced a stroke to prevent this from happening again and to manage risk factors. They offer education and support for patients and their families.

    Stroke Treatment / Prevention – Trillium Health Partners

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    They have four brain doctors (neurologists) who specialize in stroke care as well as an experienced inter-professional stroke team that delivers best-practice care. Patients receive acute and rehabilitation care all in one unit eliminating the need to change beds or health care teams.

    Tourette Syndrome Neurodevelopmental Clinic – UHN TWH

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    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a life-long inherited neuropsychiatric disorder that causes involuntary movements and sounds in patients. Appearing during childhood, TS affects 3% of the general p​opulation and it is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. The clinic provides ongoing care for the local population and acts as a tertiary (specialized) referral centre.

    Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    The Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Clinic provides care to women with abnormal menstrual bleeding. The clinic will investigate, diagnose, and provide ambulatory medical and surgical care to women with abnormal uterine bleeding.

    The advanced ambulatory procedure program associated with the abnormal uterine bleeding program offers a multitude of ambulatory procedures, often performed under sedation. Procedures offered include global endometrial ablation to treat heavy menstrual bleeding; and advanced hysteroscopic procedures for the treatment of endometrial polyps, leiomyoma, and uterine adhesions. The procedure will be available under provincial healthcare funding without user fees.

    Chief Residents Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    The focus of the Chief Resident clinic (CRC) is to provide short term gyneacologic care to patients seen in the Emergency departments of Mount Sinai, hospital, and the University Health Network. Referrals from other sources are returned with suggestions for alternate options.

    Colposcopy Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    They provide evaluation and treatment for women with abnormal Pap smears, or a condition which the patient’s doctor feels needs a special examination. During the appointment, a microscope called a colposcope is used to examine the cells of the cervix from the outside. The patient will have a Pap smear done as well, and a biopsy if needed.

    Colposcopy Clinic – St. Joseph’s Health Centre

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    Colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure allowing close examination of the cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease and usually is required after an abnormal screen (pap) test or other observed abnormalities. Colposcopy services are provided to educate patients regarding abnormal pap tests, investigate these abnormalities, and treat cervical dysplasia. The Colposcopy clinic is staffed by a team of gynecologists and nurses.

    Colposcopy Clinic – St. Michael’s Hospital

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    The Colposcopy Clinic provides care and treatment for women with abnormal PAP smears. Colposcopy is a special examination where the doctor uses a colposcope to get a magnified view of the vulva, vagina, or cervix.

    Colposcopy Clinic – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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    Colposcopy is a procedure used to examine the vagina and cervix using a lighted magnifying instrument. It is performed by gynaecologists with specific training and incorporates a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment. They accept referrals for women with abnormal pap smears or related problems, offering full diagnostic and therapeutic options.

    Colposcopy Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    Women’s College Hospital is a world leader in women’s health and cancer prevention. The hospital has expanded its Colposcopy with the relocation of Princess Margaret Cancer Centre’s colposcopy activities to Women’s College Hospital. This has created a regional Centre of Excellence in Colposcopy Care.  The program is being led by Dr. Amanda Selk,  a leading gynecologist.

    Colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure allowing close examination of the cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease and usually is required after an abnormal screen (Pap) test or other observed abnormalities. Comprehensive colposcopy services are provided to educate patients regarding abnormal Pap tests, investigate these abnormalities, and treat cervical dysplasia.

    Credit Valley Hospital Obstetrics

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    Credit Valley Hospital has an Obstetrical practice, a Family Medicine Teaching Unit, as well as a High-Risk Clinic.

    Early Pregnancy Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    This clinic is designed for women who are under 12 weeks’ gestation and experiencing complications of pregnancy. They provide assessment for conditions such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain or cramping, ectopic pregnancy follow up and threatened or actual pregnancy loss.

    Familial Ovarian Cancer Clinic (FOCC) and FOCC-Aftercare Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    The Familial Ovarian Cancer Clinic (FOCC) and FOCC-Aftercare clinics at Women’s College Hospital provide expert and evidence-based clinical care for women at elevated risk for hereditary ovarian and fallopian tube cancers. Clinical care includes the full spectrum of gynecologic care specific to our population: patient-centered contraception counseling, liaison with fertility specialists, counseling on ovarian cancer risk reduction, risk reduction surgery, and menopausal aftercare. Patients seen in the FOCC clinic will be followed until the first post-operative appointment. Any additional follow-up will take place in the FOCC-Aftercare clinic.

    The FOCC-Aftercare clinic offers services for patients affected by premature menopause or struggling with menopausal symptoms, providing ongoing support for symptom control and health promotion. Patients seen in the FOCC-Aftercare clinic are monitored for diseases of estrogen deficiency and receive counseling on menopausal expectations. Care plans are catered to individualized needs and built to improve the quality of life.

    Family Birthing Centre – Michael Garron Hospital

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    The MGH team includes highly trained obstetricians, midwives, family doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, dieticians, certified childbirth educators, and lactation consultants. Given our affiliation with The University of Toronto and other academic institutions, your care team may also involve students and learners.

    Family Birthing Centre – St. Joseph’s Health Centre

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    The Family Birthing Centre, located on the first floor of the Our Lady of Mercy (OLM) wing, provides care to approximately 3,300 women and their families during their birthing experience, making it an increasingly popular choice for parents in our community. The centre features rooms and other care areas that are bright and spacious, and the interprofessional team of physicians, nursing staff, midwives, and other birthing and healthcare professionals is always ready to support growing families.

    Family Health Team Maternity Care – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    The Mount Sinai Academic Family Health Team provides high-quality evidence-based maternity care to pregnant women and their families. Their patient and family-centered environment support the education of our learners and the evaluation and research of our practices and outcomes. Our maternity care team includes physicians, family medicine residents, nurses, a dietitian, pharmacist, and nurse practitioners and supports patients through all phases of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care.

    Family Health Team Obstetrical Program – UHN TWH

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    Obstetrical Care Program is part of the Toronto Western Family Health Team, University Health Network, in partnership with Mount Sinai Hospital.

    Family Medicine Obstetrics Team – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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    Their family physicians are located across Toronto and the GTA, making their services easily accessible for patients and their families. While their physicians are located across the GTA, all babies delivered through the division of family medicine obstetrics are delivered at Sunnybrook.

    Family Practice Obstetrics Group – Michael Garron Hospital

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    The Family Practice Obstetrics Group at MGH are a vibrant group of family doctors who consider themselves privileged to be involved with your pregnancy and delivery. They would be delighted to meet with you to review their approach to the pregnancy journey. Please call them to schedule an appointment with any of the providers at one of their three sites in East Toronto. They will return your call within two business days to schedule an appointment.

    Family Way Obstetrical Group – Women’s College Hospital

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    A have a group of family physicians who provide excellence in low-risk obstetrical care throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period – including delivery at Mount Sinai Hospital.

    Gynecologic Oncology Site Group – UHN PMH

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    The Gynecologic Site Group at Princess Margaret includes an internationally recognized team of gynecologic oncology experts. The team diagnoses assess and treat women with common, rare, and complex forms of gynecologic cancers.

    Gynecological Care – St. Michael’s Hospital

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    They provide a broad range of expertise to meet the needs of women with complex conditions, including endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Their gynecologists specialize in minimally invasive surgery for some conditions, which has decreased the length of stay in hospital and length of the patient’s recovery period. St. Michael’s offers the only two-year fellowship in minimally invasive gynecological surgery in Canada.

    Gynecology Dermatology Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    The Gynecology Dermatology clinic at Women’s College Hospital focuses on dermatologic conditions affecting the vulva. Referrals are required.

    Gynecology Program – Women’s College Hospital

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    The Gynecology Program at Women’s College Hospital offers care in an interprofessional team of physicians, surgeons, nurses and nurse clinicians; clinics and programs offered include Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Clinic, Colposcopy Clinic, General Gynaecology Clinic, Familial Ovarian Cancer Clinic (FOCC), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Clinic, Premature Ovarian Insufficiency with Turner’s Clinic, Vulva Dermatology Clinic, Women’s Equity Clinic, and Young Women’s Clinic.

    Menopause Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    They provide a full consultative medical and nursing service to women experiencing menopausal symptoms. They offer advice and/or a second opinion related to the use of hormone therapy. They hope to answer questions, provide information about symptoms, and improve overall well-being. As a tertiary care centre they offer options of care for women with other medical problems who are experiencing menopausal changes including mood disorders.

    Midwives – Community Midwives of Toronto

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    Community Midwives of Toronto was founded in 1994, the same year that midwifery was legislated in Ontario. They are a group practice of ten registered midwives. They are a teaching practice and the midwives are clinical preceptors to the midwifery students from the Bachelor of Health Science in Midwifery program. They attend births at your home, at the Toronto Birth Centre, and at St. Michael’s Hospital.

    Midwives – Kensington

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    They provide primary care to low-risk clients during pregnancy as well as care for parents and babies for six weeks after birth. At Kensington Midwives they are happy to care for all birthing parents and have midwives available who speak Spanish, have a particular focus on working with queer families, and families without OHIP. They have privileges at the Toronto Birth Centre, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, or can do deliveries in the home.

    Midwives – Midwife Alliance

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    Their midwives have trained in a variety of settings, internationally and in Canada. All midwives are currently registered with the College of Midwives of Ontario and the Association of Ontario Midwives. Their midwives hold privileges at St. Joseph’s Health Centre, the Toronto Birth Centre, and also conduct births at home.

    Midwives – Midwifery Care – North Don River Valley

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    Their practice has admitting privileges at North York General Hospital for women who choose a hospital birth.  Midwives are also the only healthcare providers in Ontario with the necessary skills and equipment to safely conduct a planned homebirth.

    Midwives – Midwives Collective of Toronto

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    The Midwives Collective of Toronto has worked as a group practice providing community based midwifery care in Toronto since 1983. They provide midwifery care during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period. They attend births at home, at the Toronto Birth Centre, and the hospital. All of the midwives in our group have privileges at Mount Sinai Hospital.

    Midwives – Midwives’ Clinic of East York/Don Mills

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    The Midwives’ Clinic is accepting new clients who want a midwife in Toronto during pregnancy, labor, and birth, and the first 6 weeks after your baby is born. Their midwives can attend the birth at home, at the Michael Garron Hospital or at the Toronto Birth Centre.

    Midwives – Riverdale Community Midwives

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    They hold privileges at St. Michael’s Hospital of Toronto where they enjoy excellent working relationships with their amazing obstetrician, paediatrician and nursing colleagues. In addition to their midwifery work, they are involved in research, mentoring, and the education of new midwives, family physicians, and paramedics.

    Midwives – Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto

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    SGMT is a group of primary caregivers who provide high-quality maternity care to women and their families from the City of Toronto, particularly those from the downtown area, and from the Aboriginal community. They provide care throughout pregnancy, labour, birth and the first 6 weeks postpartum taking into account the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical experiences of the woman during her childbearing year. They have privileges at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the Toronto Birth Centre.

    Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology provides care to women in all stages of their life. The Department is divided into five Divisions: General Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Gynaecologic Oncology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and Urogynaecology. Most offices are located at the Ontario Power Generation Building at 700 University Avenue on either Level 3 or 8. The Centre for Fertility and Reproductive Health is located at 250 Dundas Street West, 7th floor. The Division of Gynaecologic Oncology is located at Princess Margaret Hospital.

    Obstetrics and Gynecology Department – St. Michael’s Hospital

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    The department is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto and provides learning experiences for residents, medical, nursing, and midwifery students. The department is proud to maintain robust, award-winning research activities and strong quality improvement programs.

    Pap Program – Women’s College Hospital Drop-in

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    The Bay Centre for Birth Control has developed a weekly drop-in Pap program available to any woman seeking a Pap test. The program runs on Wednesday evenings from 4 – 7 p.m. A health card is not required, but patients are asked to bring at least one form of identification. The program is staffed by a team of female nurses, ensuring all patients will be seen by a female clinician.

    Pelvic Health – Pelvic Health Solutions

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    Pelvic Health Solutions is an evidence-based teaching company that was founded in 2010 by Nelly Faghani and Carolyn Vandyken, out of the need to develop pelvic health resources in Ontario, and under-serviced health concern in this province. Pelvic Health Solutions provides continuing education courses for a variety of practitioners, including mentoring and clinical resources for therapists to utilize with their patients. All of their courses incorporate biopsychosocial integration and pain biology education into the course material.

    Pelvic Health – PhysioExcellence

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    Women’s Health including pre and post-natal care, pelvic pain, dyspareunia (pain during sex), diastasis, incontinence, and prolapse.

    Pelvic Health – Proactive Pelvic Health Centre

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    Established in 2012, Proactive Pelvic Health Centre is the first private integrative pelvic health rehabilitation clinic in Toronto. They assist clients – of all ages and stages – with pelvic health issues, such as pain and incontinence.

    Pelvic Health – ProMotion Physiotherapy

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    Pelvic Health concerns such as pelvic pain, incontinence, urgency, and pelvic organ prolapse are very common and can affect a person’s day to day life.  Unfortunately, these symptoms and conditions are not often talked about so many people can suffer in silence, not knowing that there are very effective solutions available. There are Physiotherapists specifically trained in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation able to assess the symptoms you are having and make their recommendations for treatment in order to help you.

    Pelvic Health – St. Michael’s Hospital Clinic

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    They use an innovative combination of therapies to treat women with complex pelvic disorders, including pelvic floor prolapse, chronic pain, vulvodynia, and incontinence. Their holistic approach includes a multidisciplinary team of a gynecologist, uro-gynaecologist, nurse practitioner, social worker/sex therapist as well as experts in pain management. Not every patient will need to see every member of the team and the care will be individualized based on patient needs and wishes.

    Pelvic Health – Triangle Physiotherapy

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    Their physiotherapy, pelvic health, chiropractic, naturopathic & massage therapy professionals provide evidence-based, results-oriented treatments to their patients, with up to date techniques & state of the art equipment.

    Pelvic Health – Yellow Gazebo Natural Health Care

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    Offers Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy to help address stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse.

    Pelvic Health-Beyond Physio

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    Integrated treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions and infertility.

    Pelvic Health-Lifemark

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    Their inclusive pelvic rehabilitation program is a safe, drug-free treatment that has been proven highly effective to help individuals with varying pelvic health concerns. They can help assist with low back pain, pelvic, abdominal and hip pain, pain in the vagina, pseudovagina, rectum or perineum, testicular pain, pain with intercourse, bladder or bowel incontinence, urinary urgency/frequency, and bladder pain.

    Permanent Female Contraception Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    The clinic will surgically manage women requesting irreversible contraceptive methods: hysteroscopic tubal occlusion, laparoscopic tubal ligation.

    Pessary Clinic – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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    href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Website
    At our pessary clinic, a nurse continence advisor will provide you with education about incontinence, prolapse, pessary fitting, counseling, and conservative management of urinary incontinence.

    A pessary is a device that is placed into the vagina to support the uterus or bladder and rectum. It is a firm ring that presses against the wall of the vagina and urethra to help decrease leakage.

    Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Clinic – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    This clinic is designed specifically for women experiencing loss of ovarian function prior to the age of 40. The clinic comprises a multidisciplinary team of a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, and registered nurses. As Mount Sinai is a teaching hospital, residents and fellows may attend the appointment.

    Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    The Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) Clinic for Women with Turners Syndrome provides multidisciplinary care for adult women with Turners Syndrome who have premature ovarian insufficiency due to the condition. The clinic offers care from gynecologists and endocrinologists in one location focused on the comprehensive adult care of women with Turners syndrome.

    Prenatal Clinic – St. Michael’s Hospital

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    The department is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto and provides learning experiences for residents, medical, nursing, and midwifery students. The department is proud to maintain robust, award-winning research activities and strong quality improvement programs. They have 24-hour in-house obstetricians, anesthetists, and pediatricians. St. Michael’s Hospital family-centered approach to pregnancy care includes: immediate skin-to-skin contact at delivery/delayed cord clamping, 24-hour rooming-in, breastfeeding support, 24-hour stay for one support person after delivery. They strive to provide one-stop care with ultrasound and laboratory services and all our clinics in one location.

    Special Pregnancy Program – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    A team experienced in Fetal Medicine, Maternal Medicine, and Prenatal Genetics, specializing in the investigation and management of the complete range of maternal and fetal concerns in pregnancy.

    Special Treatment Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    The Special Treatment Clinic provides care to patients of all genders. Services provided include STI testing, STI treatment, Syphilis treatment (including for immigration purposes), Treatment of genital warts/molluscum.

    Surgical Gynaecology – Michael Garron Hospital

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    Michael Garron Hospital’s division of gynaecology provides a full spectrum, patient-centred, evidence-based gynecologic, reproductive, and surgical care to our community.

    Turner Syndrome Program – Women’s College Hospital

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    They provide multi-disciplinary care to adult women with Turner Syndrome and ensure that all Turner specific screening and care is delivered. Women attending the clinic are seen by both an endocrinologist (ie. Hormone/metabolism specialist) and a gynecologist at every clinic visit. Additionally, they work closely with the cardiology department at Women’s College Hospital to ensure optimal cardiac screening and management.

    Women and Babies Program – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

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    Sunnybrook Hospital offers a variety of programs including a Colposcopy Clinic, Pessary Clinic, Sexual Health and Recovery Clinic, as well as Pregnancy and Prenatal Care.

    Women’s and Infants’ Program – St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

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    The Women’s and Infants’ Program services include exemplary, compassionate care in our mother-baby unit and special care nursery as well as newborn assessment and breastfeeding support through the implementation of our baby-friendly initiative.

    Women’s Equity Clinic – Women’s College Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology

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    The clinic will provide routine Obstetrics and Gynecology care, including investigations and both surgical and non-surgical management.  Patients will be cared for by clinicians with a special interest and training in both the clinical as well as social/ political/ economic/ cultural concerns of these communities. This clinic will accept referrals for Obstetrics and Gynecology concerns for women from the following vulnerable and/or marginalized communities: immigrants and refugees, Indigenous women, LGBTQ women, homeless and/or street-connected women, under-housed and sheltered women, women with addiction and substance use challenges, women living in poverty.

    Young Women’s Gynecology Clinic – Women’s College Hospital

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    This clinic provides medical and surgical care for young women aged 17 – 25, for the following reproductive health concerns: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, endometriosis, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovarian syndrome, anatomical concerns, vaginal discharge, ovarian cysts/masses, persistent vaginitis, birth control counseling and long-acting reversible contraception, sexually transmitted infections, menstrual suppression.

    Cataract High Volume Centre – North York General Hospital

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    The Cataract High Volume Centre at North York General Hospital’s Branson Ambulatory Care Centre is one of the largest regional centres for cataract surgery in Ontario. Through an innovative partnership between North York General Hospital, Markham Stouffville Hospital and Humber River Hospital, the centre is designed to reduce wait times and improve outcomes for patients. This collaboration has standardized procedures and processes, such as the types of surgical equipment and medication used to improve safety and wait times.

    Clarity Eye Institute

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    With a wide range of surgical, and clinical services, their staff of highly trained professionals is dedicated to ensuring that you enjoy the best possible eyesight at every stage of life.

    Donald K. Johnson Eye Institute – UHN TWH

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    They care for patients with the most complex conditions from across the province. With more than 85,000 patient visits across five clinics, they are one of the largest, busiest, and most comprehensive clinical programs in North America.

    Dr. Kathy Cao, Ophthalmologist

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    Dr. Kathy Cao is an English, Mandarin, and Cantonese-speaking general ophthalmologist with extensive surgical experience providing culturally-sensitive, patient, and family-centred care in the Greater Toronto Area.

    Eye Clinic – St. Michael’s Hospital

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    The Eye Clinic at St. Michael’s Hospital cares for adult patients, ages 18 years and older, with a broad range of eye conditions. Appointments are scheduled by referral only. Appointments in the Eye Clinic typically the last one to two hours; however, the clinic deals with many emergencies and waits may at times be up to two to four hours. The Eye Clinic does not offer walk-in services. They are an emergency eye clinic that provides care for urgent conditions. Long term follow-up and care is not provided in the Eye Clinic. Once an eye condition is stabilized, patients are referred to community eye care providers for more long term follow-up.

    GSH Medical

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    College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) approved pain physicians provide a non-surgical approach to treating chronic non-cancer pain conditions. Their clinic holds an Out of Hospital Level 2 privilege and is dedicated to offering state of the art pain management services.

    Kensington Eye Institute

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    The Kensington Vision and Research Centre is a non-profit eye clinic that offers a number of services, including eye exams, diagnostic testing, minor procedures, therapeutic lenses, and urgent eye care. We also carry out critical research to advance patient care in ophthalmology.

    North Toronto Eye Care

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    North Toronto Eye Care’s team of highly-experienced eye physicians and surgeons not only assists in treating and preventing eye disease, but we ensure that you leave our clinic with a new outlook on life. In addition to general eye care, their doctors specialize in FEMTO laser cataract surgery, laser eye surgery LASIK, refractive lens exchange, and laser for macular degeneration and diabetes. They offer medical and cosmetic lid and lacrimal surgery, BOTOX, fillers, and a unique skincare program. Their renowned clinic is known for their expertise in Uveitis (inflammatory eye diseases), cross-linking for Keratoconus, and treatment of the dry eye. All of their doctors are affiliated with the University of Toronto, North York General Hospital, Kensington Eye Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital,  North Toronto Eye Surgery Centre, and TLC Vision Yonge Eglinton Laser Eye Centre.

    Ophthalmology – Michael Garron Hospital

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    The department of ophthalmology at Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) is the leading community-based provider of medical and surgical eye care in the greater Toronto area. With over 3,000 cataract surgeries performed each year in our safe and modern operating suites, the department is committed to providing excellent surgical care. In addition, their ophthalmologists provide timely, comprehensive clinical care to inpatients and to our community through the out-patient ophthalmology clinic.

    Ophthalmology – Mount Sinai Hospital

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    The Department of Ophthalmology at Mount Sinai Hospital is partnered with the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Toronto. The Department operates the following programs at its Eye Clinic:

    • Oculoplastic Program (diseases of the orbits, lacrimal system and eyelids)
    • Retinopathy of Prematurity Program in conjunction with the Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
    • General Ophthalmology (medical retina, cataracts, glaucoma)

    Ophthalmology – North York General Hospital

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    Their ophthalmologists perform cataract surgery in two dedicated eye surgery operating rooms at the hospital’s Branson Ambulatory Care Centre (555 Finch Ave. W.).

    Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    They provide comprehensive eye care and offer medical, laser, and surgical therapies for eye disease. Their surgeons have expertise in the cornea, cataract, glaucoma, and retinal surgery. They offer extensive diagnostic testing including visual fields, fluorescein angiography, Heidelberg retinal tomography, ocular coherence tomography, A and B-scan ultrasound, and IOL master measurements.

    Prism Eye Institute

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Their doctors will diagnose, treat, and monitor patient progress, supported by leading-edge diagnostic instruments and lasers, most available on site.

    Toronto Eye Clinic – St. Joseph’s Health Centre

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    The Department of Ophthalmology at St. Joe’s provides services for approximately 4,000 patient visits annually through the fully staffed on-site Eye Clinic. The clinic is equipped with laser therapeutic technology as well as a minor operatory for oculoplastic surgical cases. The department performs approximately 1,500 cataract surgeries per year as well as strabismus and glaucoma cases. The members include comprehensive general ophthalmologists and specialists in pediatrics, glaucoma, retina, and uveitis.

    Toronto Eye Specialists and Surgeons

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    They are a group of ophthalmologists located in central Toronto. Their ophthalmologists are committed to providing patients with uncompromising, comprehensive, and compassionate care using the latest diagnostic and therapeutic technologies in various sub-specialties of ophthalmology.

    Uptown Eye Specialists

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    They specialize in the full spectrum of Surgical and Non-surgical procedures of the eye, from front to back, across all ages.  Their champion procedures include UltraView ReLACS™ (refractive laser-assisted cataract surgery), UltraView LASIK™ (laser vision correction), UltraView Crosslinking™ (corneal strengthening procedure), and UltraView DEL™ (dry eye laser).  Their procedures also span all specialties of ophthalmology including retina, glaucoma, and pediatrics.

    Allevio Pain Management

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    At Allevio Pain Management, practice is focused on a wide variety of pain conditions with special expertise in back pain, sciatica, neck pain, neuropathic (hyper-sensitive) pain, and headaches. They focus on these areas because their treating physicians are all Royal College anesthesiologists who have spent years concentrating on, researching, and practicing treatments for these types of pains based on scientific evidence.

    Centre for Pain Care – Silver Medical Group

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    The Silver Medical Group Centre for Pain Care (CPC) is a Toronto-based medical treatment centre specializing in the management and treatment of chronic pain of the head, neck, face, and back.

    CPM Centres for Pain Management

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Providing world-class patient care since 2005, CPM plays an important role in filling a growing need for community-based pain services in the Canadian healthcare system. With 9 clinics across Ontario – from London to Ottawa – CPM Centres for Pain Management is the largest chronic pain management group in Canada.


    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    MyoMedicalMD is a multidisciplinary pain management clinic with multiple locations in Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, and Etobicoke. Their mission is to provide optimal and expedient patient care to all their patients. Their clinics offer total musculoskeletal care ranging from Orthopedic surgery consultations to pain management plans.

    Pain Management Program – Bridgepoint Active Healthcare

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    The Bridgepoint Active Health Pain Management Program is a 10-week program that uses a cognitive-behavioral approach and physical activity to provide coping strategies. It is available to people with a medically stable chronic pain condition, which has been present for longer than 6 months and has not been responsive to traditional medical intervention. There is a small fee associated with this program.

    Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI)

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI) is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary academic pain program serving as the hub for chronic pain care in Toronto. The treatment and management of pain are complex, requiring a wide range of programs and services to help those in pain function. TAPMI is created by the five major pain centres in downtown Toronto coming together to share care so that across the five sites, patients have access to an interdisciplinary team of chiropractors, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, and social workers.

    Wasser Pain Management Centre – Mount Sinai Hospital

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    The Wasser Pain Management Centre provides patient care, education, and research in the area of chronic, disabling pain disorders. In order to better serve our chronic pain population in the GTA, the Wasser Pain Program has joined the Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI), which acts as a central triage and intake for all academic pain programs in the GTA. All referrals are required to go through TAPMI.


    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Kidcrew is a forward-thinking clinic focused on superior patient experience, family centered-care, and wellness for children and families of all ages through cutting-edge scientific research and the latest technology. From pediatricians to allergists, neurologists, sport medicine doctors, and gastroenterologists. We have your family covered from head to toe.

    Pediatric Neurology Clinic – North York General Hospital

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    North York General Hospital offers a variety of subspecialty clinics for pediatric patients including a Constipation Clinic, Dermatology Clinic, Gastroenterology Clinic, Gynaecology Clinic, Neurology Clinic, Respirology Clinic, and Rheumatology Clinic.

    Pediatric Urgent Care After Hours Clinic – KidECare

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Address: 491 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto (Walk-in clinic)

    The Urgent Care Clinic at kid E care can diagnose and treat most childhood injuries and illnesses. Use this clinic for urgent but non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries. We see children with cuts, fevers, colds, viruses, minor burns, sprains, strains, simple fractures, and other illnesses. Your child will be seen by a paediatrician with experience managing urgent care problems.

    Pediatrics – Michael Garron Hospital

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    The department of paediatrics at Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) provides neonatal and paediatric services for east Toronto’s diverse population. We are an expert group of paediatricians, neonatologist, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, speech-language pathologists, social workers, lactation consultants and a child life specialist providing comprehensive care to children from birth to 18 years of age and their families.

    Michael Garron Hospital Respiratory Centre (Chest Centre)

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Respirology Consult/Out- patient Respiratory Clinic

    Telephone: 416-461-8272  Ext. 7777 / 416-469-6580 ext. 2934
    Fax: 416469-7717

    Rheumatology – Michael Garron Hospital

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Telephone # 416-778-9692 (Direct contact number)

    1to1 Therapy Services

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    1to1 Therapy Services is a leading therapy centre for children, adults and their families, servicing Toronto, York Region, Peel Region and Durham Region. Our team of practitioners provides Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Dietitian Services, Physiotherapy, Psychology and Behavioural Therapy including Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). Our clients range from infants to seniors. Treatment is available at our centre, at home, daycare, private schools and long term care centres.  Contact us for a free consultation. No referral is required.

    1to1 Therapy Services has an outstanding reputation in the rehabilitation industry and is committed to providing individualized care that is both accessible and inclusive of the client and family. 1to1 strives to achieve the highest quality care through interdisciplinary teams with the expertise, compassion and motivation to make a measurable difference in the lives of our clients.

    Simone Friedman SLS

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Simone Friedman SLS has provided exceptional speech therapy, occupational therapy, and ABA services to Toronto residents since 2000. Our highly qualified team of senior therapists can provide 1 on 1 speech therapy, occupational therapy, and ABA at your home, your child’s daycare or school, or come into our Toronto clinic. We also provide group therapy and adult training. We pride ourselves on providing flexible programs tailored to meet your individual needs. Simone Friedman SLS is conveniently located at 1232 Dufferin Street in downtown Toronto.

    Speech Therapy Toronto

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Based in Toronto with over 30 years of experience in Speech & Language services, we are friendly professionals with a passion for helping people reach their full communication potential.

    All of our Speech Language Pathologists are registered with the College of Audiologists & Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO).

    Speech Therapy Works

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Therapists at Speech Therapy Works are committed to providing the highest quality service to you and your family. We are committed to making your service experience family-oriented and pleasant. Our clinical focus is in the area of pediatrics: speech therapy for children. We administer individual and group therapy in our clinic and at your home. We treat children at various stages of development every day. We work with children experiencing mild speech-language difficulties and children with significant speech-language delays. We have the expertise to provide effective therapy for children with various diagnoses including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down Syndrome.

    Athlete’s Care Sports Medicine Centre

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Athlete’s Care is a network of multidisciplinary clinics specializing in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of sport and recreational injuries, postural and work-related injuries, and everyday aches and pains.  They are proud to offer high quality, effective care to the areas of downtown Toronto, North York, in the beach, Yorkville, Downsview, and Liberty Village as well as to the surrounding communities of Vaughan, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, and Scarborough.

    Michael Garron Hospital Urology Clinic

    150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

    Telephone: 416-461-8272, Ext. 2623/ 6552

    The Division of Urology at Michael Garron Hospital is a very active service within the Department of Surgery providing comprehensive care of almost all aspects of the specialty. We have been particularly prominent in taking on minimally invasive surgical techniques for the urological disease. This includes both laparoscopy as well as the management of kidney stones. Our other primary area of expertise is in the management of genitourinary malignancies which include prostate, bladder, kidney, and testicular cancer.

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