Provider Resources

Pain Programs

Chronic Pain Clinics

150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

How and where to get treatment for pain that lasts longer than three months.

Bridgepoint (Sinai Health System)

150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

1 Bridgepoint Drive, Toronto; 416-461-8252, ext. 2731

Offer Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) pain management groups periodically throughout the year.

Referral process: GP referral required (see website)
Cost: OHIP-covered but a small fee for materials.

NeuroNova Centre – Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management

150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

Phone:  (416) 461-4333

Offer pain management courses across Ontario: MBCPM™ Level 1 & MBCPM Advanced. Also offer Emotional Skills Course. Attendees learn the principles of mindfulness meditation, the importance of living in the moment, and the power of now, and how these relate to suffering less pain.
Courses offered on-site or virtually.

Referral process: GP referral required (see website).

Cost: The cost of courses vary depending on the background of the facilitator (ie. an MD facilitator will be OHIP-covered). Course materials cost $93.64 plus shipping.

Wait-time: 4-12 months for Toronto.

North York General Hospital – with Dr. Neil Levitsky

150 150 ScopeHub - UHN

343 Wilson Ave, Suite 401, Toronto; 416-515-7741

Offers an 8-week MBCT program for individuals who have depression (but not in an acute episode). Also beneficial for anxiety, stress, insomnia, or chronic pain.

Referral process: GP referral required (see website).

Cost: OHIP-covered but participants are required to purchase a workbook.