Harm Reduction Services

Centralized Access to Case Management & Supportive Housing Programs

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The Access Point has been established to process applications for supportive housing and individual mental health supports for youth and adults in the Toronto Area, aged 14 years and over.

With this form, see the link below, you can apply for individual support services (like Intensive Case Management, Early Psychosis Intervention or Assertive Community Treatment), Supportive Housing, or both.

Eligibility criteria:  14 years of age or older; have mental health and /or addictions problems that are seriously affecting their lives; live in, or plan to live in, The Access Point boundaries, which are Port Union Road to Highway 427 and Steeles Ave. to the lake.


Note: This is not a self-referral program and the online referral form does require a service provider to support its completion.

Residential Withdrawal Management Services

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Toronto Withdrawal Management Services System is a centralized access system and includes the following programs:

  1. Michael Garron Hospital
  2. Unity Health – St. Michael’s Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital
  3. University Health Network – Ossington Men’s Withdrawal Centre + Women’s Own Withdrawal Management Centre
  4. To access call;  1-866-366-9513

    CAMH Medical Withdrawal Unit:
    To access call 416-535-8501 press 2; an admission date must be confirmed before a patient is able to be admitted.

    Website:  https://www.camh.ca/en/your-care/programs-and-services/metro-addiction-assessment-referral-service-maars 

    Peel Region Withdrawal Management Services:
    William Osler Health System
    To access call: 905-456-3500 or 905-494-2120 ext. 22584

    Website:  https://www.williamoslerhs.ca/en/areas-of-care/addictions-services-for-adults.aspx#Withdrawal-Management-Centre

Residential Treatment Programs

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To access a registry of residential treatment options across the province including both private and OHIP covered beds access Connex Ontario this service offers 24/7 support through an online chat accessible through their website, a searchable registry of treatment programs as well as over the phone.

https://www.connexontario.ca/en-ca/ or call 1-866-531-2600.

If interested in a particular treatment program folks can contact said facility directly as intake and assessment processes can vary. In addition, when accessing residential withdrawal management listed below staff are able to support program participants with referrals to local residential treatment options. The following are a list of accessible assessment and referral programs that can refer participants to residential treatment:

Program Name Contact Information
ADAPT (Halton Region) If interested people can self-refer by calling the main intake line at 905-639-6537 x 0

Website:  https://haltonadapt.org/contact-us/ 

CAMH, Metro Addiction Assessment Referral Service

Please note: the MAARS line is answered by the Access CAMH service. This is a centralized intake line that provides phone screening and scheduling for the first appointment. When calling, please state you are calling for a MAARS assessment.

Access CAMH:  416 535-8501, press 2

Website:  https://www.camh.ca/en/your-care/programs-and-services/metro-addiction-assessment-referral-service-maars 

PAARC (Peel Region) If interested people can self-refer by calling 905-629-1007 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays, except for Wednesdays when they are open from 12:30 pm to 8:00 pm.

Website:  https://www.paarc.com/programs/


Peer Support Groups

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Alcoholics Anonymous


Cocaine Anonymous


Marijuana Anonymous


Narcotics Anonymous


Naloxone Distribution

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In Toronto, The Works, Toronto Public Health, offers Preventing Opioid Overdose in Toronto (POINT) training and naloxone kits to opioid users, their friends, and family for free.

Interested participants can call The Works at 416-392-0520 to request a POINT training.

Naloxone can also be accessed through your local pharmacy for a fee.


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