Women’s College Hospital Trauma Therapy Program
https://scopehub.ca/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 ScopeHub - UHN ScopeHub - UHN https://scopehub.ca/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg76 Grenville Street, Toronto; Ph: 416-323-6230; Women’s College Hospital.
Offers primarily group-based psychotherapy to individuals who have experienced childhood interpersonal trauma, including sexual, physical assault and emotional abuse and/or neglect between the ages of 0-18. See website for information on inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Referral process: Physician or NP referral required. Form on website. Fax to 416-323-6356.
Program will only be accepting referrals on the second Wednesday of every month.